Fullness of Life: Blooming Where We Are Planted

Our guest writer this week is Valerie Tan. ***** I believe that many of us ask ourselves - what can I do to make my life more fulfilling? How can I be happier? And some of us may think that the answer lies in taking decisive steps to discern and effect a change in our external circumstances. For instance, a switch in careers, re-establishing ourselves in a different country, ending or beginning new relationships, etc. I fully believe that there are times when God calls us to step into new territory. There are times when He leads us to new terrains and new experiences, as a part of our journey to be more fully human, more fully His children. There are indeed times when He will thus call us to take decisive action to move on from where we are, to move us closer to Him. Yet, there are also times when He says - wait. Just as it can be challenging to take a step into the unknown in order to move into new places that we are called to, it can also be challenging to sit on your ...