A Stopover Place

This poem is by Agustina Hartini fcJ and translated by Audrey. The original Indonesian is below.

So deeply touched is my heart to see your face
What relief to find a stopover place
It is enough to sleep soundly for one night
After enjoying an evening meal.
Tomorrow… whatever
The day after… leave it
The future… we surrender it
Do I dare to hope… maybe not
Do I dare to step forward… I don’t know the way
Do I dare to change… I don’t know what should be changed.


Hatiku trenyuh melihat wajahmu
Wajah kelegaan temukan persinggahan
Cukup satu malam tidur nyaman
Setelah menikmati makan malam.
Besok, . . . entahlah
Lusa, . . . . biarlah
Masa depan, . . .  kami pasrah
Apakah berani berharap, . . . rasanya tidak
Apakah berani melangkah, . . . ku tak tahu arah
Apakah berani berubah, aku tak tahu apa yang harus diubah.


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