You Don’t Need to Change It

This poem is by Agustina Hartini fcJ and translated by Audrey. The original Indonesian is below.

Good Shepherd,
When I see the way you walk, I am amazed
When I hear the way you talk, I am hypnotized
When I follow your steps…
I stagger to left and right
But your gaze is enough to make me rise again
And keep walking with you
My name is Hartini; you don’t need to change it to win my heart.


Gembala yang baik
Saat ku lihat caramu berjalan, aku terkesima
Saat ku dengar caramu berbicara, aku terhipnotis
Saat kuikuti langkahmu, . . . 
aku terbanting ke kanan dan ke kiri
namun cukup dengan tatapan matamu membuat aku bangun kembali
dan berjalan terus bersamamu
Namaku Hartini, tak perlu Kau menggantinya tuk dapatkan hatiku.


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