Lessons from a Rice Field

In this reflection, a familiar rural scene in Indonesia leads our guest writer Wenny Lestari to ponder on periods of fullness and emptiness in life, and the mysterious freedom that lies in between. The biblical figure she refers to, John the Baptist, is a Jewish prophet who fluctuates between confident belief and wavering doubt in Jesus Christ as the One he has been waiting for. The original Indonesian translation follows.

How narrow the difference – boundary – distance – between being full and being empty.

In the time of fullness, when asked: “Who are you?”, John the Baptist answered, “I am the voice that proclaims in the desert…”

In the time of emptiness – doubting – it was John who asked: “Were you the One to come, or have we to wait for another?”

I have seen and heard: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead rise, and to the poor good news is given. All this You have done for me.

In fullness or emptiness, You keep answering the question, giving Yourself to be discovered.

At the boundary – in the distance – between these is freedom; where true liberty lies.

- Wenny Lestari
(translated by Audrey)


Begitu tipis perbedaan - batas - jarak - antara penuh dan kosong.

Saat penuh dan ditanya "siapakah engkau?", Yohanes Pembaptis menjawab, "Akulah suara orang yang berseru-seru di padang gurun..."

Tapi ada kalanya, saat ragu - kosong, ganti Yohanes yang bertanya: "Engkaukah yang akan datang itu atau haruskah kami menantikan seorang lain?"

Aku telah melihat dan mendengar: orang buta melihat, orang lumpuh berjalan, orang kusta menjadi tahir, orang tuli mendengar, orang mati dibangkitkan, kepada orang miskin diberitakan kabar baik. Ini semua telah diperbuat Nya bagi ku.

Dalam keadaan penuh maupun kosong, Dia tetap menjawab pertanyaan, memberikan DiriNya untuk ditemukan.

Di batas - jarak - antara itulah kebebasan, kemerdekaan sejati berada.


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